Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tiger's Death

"My cub! Please not my cub!" a female lion cried.
Leon's fur stood on end. He knew what sound that was. 
More distressed noises of lion's cried form the camp. "Please not my cub!" Leon heard the mother lion Lilly screech once again.
Even if hyena's could eat a cat as prey Leon didn't want a filthy hyena to get one of Lilly and Moon's cubs. He had to do somthing and he was the prophecy cat too, right?
"Lilly! Lilly i'm coming!" Moon called to his mate as he made his way ahead of Leon and into the camps hollow.
"Whats going on?" Leon was in a panic but his courage forced him to the scene. As he looked around the clearing he saw many spotted hyenas attacking the pride members.. It was obvious that they were being raided by a pack of hungry and angry hyenas so no one answered.
This time Moon spotted were the terrified lioness was. She was behind the nursery. She and Talon fierce fought with two of the hyenas. The hyenas moves seemed strangly slogest but still stong and they have many wouds already on them. What kind of hyena are these zombie hyenas?
One was biting and snapping madly at Talon. The other was shaking the young lion cub Tiger franticly but his neck. Blood was every were. Uh no!
A rush of energy seemed to run though  Moon as he jump into the battle. He swag his paw hard onto the  beast who was tearing at his cub. With a yelp and a snarl it banged on the ground and then flied; it's back leg limp.
Leon watched in wide eyes not aware that he was still in the opening. Not far from him was Hawkclaw and Shadow wrestling with huge hyena's as the lions made effort to protect the queen, Star.
Moon swapped the second hyena off of Talon as he hit it hard on the head. He roared loudly scaring off the attacker. Like the last one the hyena flied, but with most of it's limps weak. But on it's way out it stool meat from the prey pile. It was almost empty; they must of stolen more at the begining of the attack. Were they at the camp for food?
Finally the remaining hyaena's retreated too. For a moment it was quite and seemed like the world stopped. Leon's heart raced in shock. Tiger, Moon's and Lilly's cub and the whole pride's beloved cub was lying limp on the hard dusty ground covered in blood. was he died?
"Tiger!" the cubs mother gasped. Rushing to his side she licked the wounds on the cub. Tiger's neck was cut open by a bite on his neck his leg were twisted, and there was claw wound covering his face.
"Tiger," Moon gasped faintly. The lion looked stocked. He made his way to the cub and so did Leon. Lilly noised her cub gently, "Will he be okay?"
"Lilly," Moon whispered to his mate. She rises her head. Lilly's face was covered in her blood and Tiger's blood. Leon gasped as he saw that the cub wasn't breathing. "I'm sorry Lilly. But he's... gone."
Lilly tightly closed her eyes and noise at her cub again. It was obvious she didn't want to belive it. 
The rest of the pride members crowed around the lost cub with there heads bowed sadly. Tiger's siblings, Storm and flash looked more shocked then scared as they crawled out from the nursery. Luckily there were safe. The two cubs only had miner wounds. Poor Tiger wasn't so lucky. He had his life cut short.
-Chapter 12

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