Thursday, February 10, 2011

Leon Meets The Lion Pride

First Sight:
The grass on Leon's right began to shuffle. The hare was only steps away. Leon prepared to make the kill. 
I can do this! he told himself. 
At that very moment something massive rushed past Leon and struck the hare. The hare let out a squeak, cutting off as it feel limp.
Leon held his breath as he made out what had taken his kill. It was big. it was...
Leon gasped. Surely he must be dreaming again, because before him, with the hare hanging limp from it's jaws, appeared to be a lioness - a real life lioness! 
Leon trembled. The ginger cat always longed to be in the company of a lion, but here he was standing before one and Leon didn't know how to react. They are dangerous, he reminded himself. 
Leon felt small and defenseless and he knew the lion could end his life with a simple swipe of a paw, so Leon did not move an inch. 
The lioness gripped the hare with it's sharp teeth and began smoothly walking to a near by tree. 
He watched the dark-pelted lioness. She was only a couple of paw steps away from Leon, but took no notice of him. She dropped her kill under the shaded tree and began to rip into it's flesh. 
Leon saw how easy it was for the lioness to tear appart the hare and was glad that the lioness didn't spot him.
-Chapter 2

First Encounter:
Drowned in fear, Leon let out a uncontrollable cry of distress. 
The big cats immediately stopped tearing at the remains of the hare. Their ears pricked, and their eyes wondered around. The lions had heard him! They began to move into a stalking stance. 
Leon gasped. He wanted nothing more than to run away, but he was frozen in fear and couldn't make his legs move. 
As the lions closed in Leon was finally able to get his feet moving.  He could hear the lion's paw steps following him.
They were too fast. One of the lioness ran past him and turned around to block Leon's path. He dashes toward another direction, running for his life, but as he turned the other two lions blocked his way. The lions had Leon surrounded as he shrunk back. There was nothing he could do. He was trapped by lions.
-Chapter 2

Entering The Camp:
Leon could see several lions in the clearing as they made their way into the camp. Some were bathing in the sun, others were eating prey or groming each other. 
Leon felt a shiver run though his back. He always dreamed of living with lions, but he knew that they were dangerous, and if he walked into the opening he could get attacked.
"Okay, here is our camp," The male lion welcomed him as he came to a stop. "We are The Lion Pride," He announced, "And I am Moon leader of the pride." He dipped his head in greeting to Leon. "And this is Shadow.-" he waved his tail to the darker pelted lioness. "And this-" He waved his tail to the other lioness "-Is Lilly, my lovely mate." Shadow and Lilly both dipped there head to the cat, also.
Leon didn't understand why the lions were being so kind to him. 
"And... so, do you want me to stay... here?" 
Leon didn't realize how crazy he sounded until he said it. He isn't a lion like them, so why would they want a small cat like him in their pride?
"Well," Moon began, "You kind of have to, and I'm not just saying that because your helpless and lost."
Leon felt less nervous now that the lions seemed to not go against him. But why?
"How about you go get something to eat first and go get a drink of water." 
Moon really seemed to be welcoming him in the pride. 
-Chapter 5

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