Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mary And Jacob's Chat

 Calmly cleaning herself up, Liberty overheard her Mary and Jacob talking about something. She heard the word ‘cat’ come up.
Are they talking about me?
Jumping down from the kitchen window, she curiously stalked into the dinning room to see Mary and Jacob seated at the smooth, rich wooded table. 
Liberty sprang up into Mary's lap with listening ears. Mary greeted her and began petting her head. Liberty started purring loudly. Her humans were the best. 
"I'm telling you we searched for like 2 hours," said Mary to Jacob.
"Well, if he ran off, you can always find another kitten to bring home," Jacob suggested.
Another kitten? Thought Liberty. They want another kitten? I should be the only cat around here!
"I just feel bad. It was my fault I left the car door open, and now he's probably some were hungry and alone..." said Mary.
Oh, poor cat! Liberty thought with sarcasim.
"Don't worry." Her husband interrupted," We can go back to the shelter and see if they have any more of those forest cats. Tomorrow though," He added.
Great! Thought Liberty. They must think I’m a freak if they are wanting to replace me with another cat! 
Liberty's purring faded away at the thought. Mary paid no mind and continued to stroke Liberty.
Finally, Mary nodded and replied, "Okay," in a small voice. 
For a few minutes Mary, Jacob, and Liberty sat in quietness. After a  moment Jacob pushed his chair back and stood up. 
"How about we cook dinner now?,"  He asked as if to break the silence.
Is it just me? Liberty thought, or is everything more awkward with me around?
-Chapter 3

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