Thursday, February 10, 2011

Liberty Hates Garlic

Mary ignored the cats begging meows. She griped some more seasoning and sprinkled it into the pan. At that same moment the irateteding Bella jumped up onto the counter once again. At that instant Bella jumped a bit to close to the pan. The cats head nocked the seasning right out of Mary's hand. The seasoning spilled out a river of garlic powder as it rolled on the edge of the counter then on the floor. 
Liberty breathed in deeply, ready to yell at Bella this time, but chouched on that same breath. She hufted and choghed as the powder blew into her face. She squesed her red eyes and shook her head left to right. 
The garlic seemed to burn her eyes and noise more than nessariy, it burned her face too. She used her paws to try and rube the powter off. 
"Darn it!," Liberty yelled as the burning pain woun't fade.
"Oh honey! Are you alright?" 
The female turned and bent down to pick up Liberty. The cat new her human would know how to heal her burning eyes and face, but Liberty wan't in the mood. Before a hand touched Liberty she dashed to make for the library; her favrite room.
The vampire took in calm deep breaths, hoping it would help the stinging pain. Advaigally the stinging faded away, but the smell stayed a bit longer.
"Yuck!," she murmured,"I hate garlic!"
-Chapter 17

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