About "Sleepwalkers"

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What Is Sleepwalkers About?:
 Sleepwalkers is a story with animal POV(Point Of View). You might think that sounds boring but these aren't just any normal animals. This story involves things like demons, zombies, vampires, and ghost; all in the animal species. You get to follow the characters as they discover new things, meet new people(animals :p), make journeys, and fulfill prophecies.

What Is The Story Plot (Of the whole series of 'sleepwalkers' in general)?:
The plot of the story is that even though some of the characters live far from each other or have not even ever meet, meet each other in dreams. In their dreams they communicate with each other and get to know each other which is how all the characters are brought together.

What Makes This Series So Special? Is It Different From Others (In a good way)?:
Well i won't say that it is that different from most books. But maybe it is..?

  1. First off...the Zombies can tAlK ;)
  2. Well...there is a ghost cat, a demon wolf, hyena zombies, a vampire cat! :3
  3. One of the main characters who is a cat lives with lions. Yes a little cat in a lion pride!((Can't get any better than that!! XD))
  4. Although this story seems too fake and like a fantasy, it is more real than what you would expect. It has real life problems mixed with some fantasy creatures. 
  5. And last.. this story is so original!! :)
Yup Yup!...so that is kinda different right? And doesn't that make it special? XD

Is It Written Well?:
To start you off I am only 16 so I am still a young author and may lack some experience. But I got some awesome writing skills!! In my couple years of writing I think I  improve fast. So I won't say this story is "EXCELLENTLY" written but it is darn good! :) and defiantly not bad written to the point to were you don't like reading it(I think it is written in a good style). These books are coming with good writing and a good story so it should be worth the read! ;)

((If you have any questions please ask!!Thank you!))

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