Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ridge Tells His Story

First, he needed to go to the vet becuase of the collar. Second, he needed food and water; he looked liked he hadn't eaten much.  
"Well it's not up to me if you stay or go. It is my owners choice." 
Jacob and Mary woun't like it if a stray dog was in thier mansion with out permission. 
"Oh..." he sounded disapointed,"I don't think they would want me. Ridge can find new home with no other dogs."
"They might want you." 
Liberty felt sorry for this poor dog. 
"But... the dogs, they fight."
"But Bob, our dog is nice and he would never fight." 
Thats right, Ridge used to be a fighting dog. 
The way this dog looked it was kind of obious he was kept by humans to train him to battle other dogs. Ever intce of his pelt was a scar and his left eye was completly missing. He was lucky he wasn't still with that human.  
"Cat," he said sighing, "you know how I lost my eye?"
"Was it lost in a fight?"
"Not exacly. My sister, my litter mate, you see was blind," his eyes filled with sorrow from a memory," So she was used as a bate dog. When I had to fight her i refused. My owner yelled and kicked me. He kicked my face so hard I lost my eye and then I got mad...and I turned on my blind sister."
Ridge paused as if thinking if he should finish his horafiing story.
"When I relized that I was hurting her I almost stoped. But my owner;my master, was so proud of me and he was cheering me on. I'm sorry," the dog pleated his voice craking,"But I don't think anyone would want me now. I killed my own sister."
"Ridge, I'm so sorry," she sadly purred,"But don't blame yourself for what your owner did, It's not your fault."
The Pit Bull's head rised as he looked at Liberty.
"Yes, but do you think they know that?"
-Chapter 22

Liberty Hates Garlic

Mary ignored the cats begging meows. She griped some more seasoning and sprinkled it into the pan. At that same moment the irateteding Bella jumped up onto the counter once again. At that instant Bella jumped a bit to close to the pan. The cats head nocked the seasning right out of Mary's hand. The seasoning spilled out a river of garlic powder as it rolled on the edge of the counter then on the floor. 
Liberty breathed in deeply, ready to yell at Bella this time, but chouched on that same breath. She hufted and choghed as the powder blew into her face. She squesed her red eyes and shook her head left to right. 
The garlic seemed to burn her eyes and noise more than nessariy, it burned her face too. She used her paws to try and rube the powter off. 
"Darn it!," Liberty yelled as the burning pain woun't fade.
"Oh honey! Are you alright?" 
The female turned and bent down to pick up Liberty. The cat new her human would know how to heal her burning eyes and face, but Liberty wan't in the mood. Before a hand touched Liberty she dashed to make for the library; her favrite room.
The vampire took in calm deep breaths, hoping it would help the stinging pain. Advaigally the stinging faded away, but the smell stayed a bit longer.
"Yuck!," she murmured,"I hate garlic!"
-Chapter 17

Liberty And Leon Meet

Scenting a cat near her Liberty spun around. She wasn't the only one in this dream. At first the cat couldn't see who it was. The stranger hide in the shadows. Then the stranger calmly sept forward. She saw a paw step into the light first before reliving itself. 
Liberty noticed that it was a tom and had almost the same scent as Bella. He didn't look that much like her though. He had long ginger fur and green eyes. He looked about the same age as Bella, too.
The ginger cat flinched as he noticed Liberty standing right in front of him. He blinked then narrowed his eyes. Expecting a fierce reaction, she braced herself. This could be another nightmare. 
"Your scent," he spoke, "It's... it's..." he sniffed the air. "I can smell my sister, Willow!" 
Willow? Willow was Bella's name before she had moved into the mansion. Could this be her brother? Liberty felt that the thought was kind of creepy; that Bella's brother would somehow show up in her dream. But it was only a dream. This can't be real. Then again, the dream did feel scarily real.
"Willow? Is she a pure white cat with blue eyes?" Liberty knew this was only a dream but if she founds out from Bella when she wakes up that her brother was a ginger tom... then this could be real as it felt. But how? Liberty never even knew Leon before.
-Chapter 13

Tiger's Death

"My cub! Please not my cub!" a female lion cried.
Leon's fur stood on end. He knew what sound that was. 
More distressed noises of lion's cried form the camp. "Please not my cub!" Leon heard the mother lion Lilly screech once again.
Even if hyena's could eat a cat as prey Leon didn't want a filthy hyena to get one of Lilly and Moon's cubs. He had to do somthing and he was the prophecy cat too, right?
"Lilly! Lilly i'm coming!" Moon called to his mate as he made his way ahead of Leon and into the camps hollow.
"Whats going on?" Leon was in a panic but his courage forced him to the scene. As he looked around the clearing he saw many spotted hyenas attacking the pride members.. It was obvious that they were being raided by a pack of hungry and angry hyenas so no one answered.
This time Moon spotted were the terrified lioness was. She was behind the nursery. She and Talon fierce fought with two of the hyenas. The hyenas moves seemed strangly slogest but still stong and they have many wouds already on them. What kind of hyena are these zombie hyenas?
One was biting and snapping madly at Talon. The other was shaking the young lion cub Tiger franticly but his neck. Blood was every were. Uh no!
A rush of energy seemed to run though  Moon as he jump into the battle. He swag his paw hard onto the  beast who was tearing at his cub. With a yelp and a snarl it banged on the ground and then flied; it's back leg limp.
Leon watched in wide eyes not aware that he was still in the opening. Not far from him was Hawkclaw and Shadow wrestling with huge hyena's as the lions made effort to protect the queen, Star.
Moon swapped the second hyena off of Talon as he hit it hard on the head. He roared loudly scaring off the attacker. Like the last one the hyena flied, but with most of it's limps weak. But on it's way out it stool meat from the prey pile. It was almost empty; they must of stolen more at the begining of the attack. Were they at the camp for food?
Finally the remaining hyaena's retreated too. For a moment it was quite and seemed like the world stopped. Leon's heart raced in shock. Tiger, Moon's and Lilly's cub and the whole pride's beloved cub was lying limp on the hard dusty ground covered in blood. was he died?
"Tiger!" the cubs mother gasped. Rushing to his side she licked the wounds on the cub. Tiger's neck was cut open by a bite on his neck his leg were twisted, and there was claw wound covering his face.
"Tiger," Moon gasped faintly. The lion looked stocked. He made his way to the cub and so did Leon. Lilly noised her cub gently, "Will he be okay?"
"Lilly," Moon whispered to his mate. She rises her head. Lilly's face was covered in her blood and Tiger's blood. Leon gasped as he saw that the cub wasn't breathing. "I'm sorry Lilly. But he's... gone."
Lilly tightly closed her eyes and noise at her cub again. It was obvious she didn't want to belive it. 
The rest of the pride members crowed around the lost cub with there heads bowed sadly. Tiger's siblings, Storm and flash looked more shocked then scared as they crawled out from the nursery. Luckily there were safe. The two cubs only had miner wounds. Poor Tiger wasn't so lucky. He had his life cut short.
-Chapter 12

Blaze's Plot

"My, my, you are a fierce one aren't you?"
A smaller female cheetah padded up beside him. "Yes, he is Blaze," Amber said hesitantly as she gazed down at the panicked creature.
Sharpfang glanced over into the gap in the ground "Indeed fierce but dangerous too," he pointed out. What was his leader thinking?
"No doubt about that," Blaze agreed. "Don't worry though. He can be tamed."
Blaze watched the huge animal calmly as it growled and snapped it jaws wildly at him. The three surrounding cheetahs looked unsure. Can it really be under our control?
"Tamed? A beast like this?" Sharpfang was stunned, "I though was were going to kill it!"
"But if we kill him," Blaze argued calmy his amber eyes glowing, "then what advantage do we have on the Lion pride?" 
The three other cheetahs transfered glances. "His right," the tall female, Forest spoke up after a moment, "If we can get this canine under our control then those lions will leave us be," she lowered her voice,"one by one;they will fear us. I say we welcome him in the family," Forest agreed.
-Chapter 11

Leon's Apprentice Ceremony

Moon made his way up on the rock. He called out with a loud roar that could be heard all around the clearing-and farther. 
The lions instantly stopped what they were doing and padded to settle near the rock. They waited quickly for the meeting to start. Moon nodded at the cat cueing for him to get on the rock.
Overwhelmed, Leon crawled his way up on to the rock beside Moon. The lions began to murmurer words to each other. They seemed to be wondering what Leon had to do with the meeting. The pride was in for a suprise.
After a moment Moon lashed his tail for silence. The pride began to quiet down. Leon sat silently to listen as the lion spoke. 
"As you all have heard," Moon began in a firm voice,"I have welcomed this cat into the pride." 
A few lions murmured in protest, but kept listening as Moon spoke again. "Because," he said raising his voice, "He is the one our ancestors have spoken of. He is the one that can save this pride." 
Moon spoke with confidence so Leon knew this wasn't a joke. This lion really believed that Leon was part of a prophecy.
The sun-color pelted lion, Talon waved his tail to speak. Moon nodded in approval for him to speak. 
"Moon, are you sure that a feline this size can really fight the mad cheetahs?" He spoke, not in rudeness, but there was disbelief in his voice.
"I never said he would have to fight the cheetahs," the pride leader replied. Really? Then what would I have to do?  Thought Leon. He kept the question to himself.
"But...then, how?"
"He will help us win through dreams."
For a moment the crowd was speechless. 
Moon began to explain, "Yes, our ancestors, well specifically my father," he corrected,"has told me that 'Only the smallest lion can compeat: and in his dreams.' I believe Leon is the one."
"But he's not a lion!" Talon protested and his brother who sat beside him nodded in agreement.
"Oh, but he has the courage of a lion, a heart of a lion, and not only that but he has nine lives"
The two brothers didn't speak again, they seemed to only half doubt him now. What! Leon thought with panic, I don't have nine lives! Do I? But Leon said nothing.
"Therefore," Moon went on,"This special feline must  be a full member of the pride but be apprenticed first to train as our first fighter." 
Leon's tail-tip wigged in excitement as he saw some of the pride members gazing up at him with admiring eyes. Less doubted him now. 
"Leon," Moon called him to stand at the top of the rock close beside him. "Our rules are easy and simple to follow," the leader began the apprentice ceremony. "Rule one, respect your pride members. Rule two , the weakest must be feed first," 
Leon listened in amazement. He couldn't believe this was happening. He was going to be a part of the lion's pride! 
The massive lion went on, "Rule three, follow your leader's and deputy's commands. Rule four, do not trespass on another's territory, and rule five, protect your territory and pride members at any cost." 
The leader made it sound as if he was apprentising another lion instead of a cat. Moon turned his head to look at Leon. 
"Do you promise to dedicate your life to the  pride?" He said with some concern in his eyes, maybe because he thought Leon might reject the oath.
"I promise," Leon said his firm voice. 
His eyes clouded with images of what his future might hold. So much danger!
Moon looked at him with respect and happiness flowing over Leon's face. 
Then the dark furred lion turned back to face his pride to continue, "Then, I Moon would accept to train you and teach you more of our ways as your guardian mentor." Leon's mouth gaped in surprise. He didn't expect that Moon the pride leader would want to mentor him.
"And Shadow," he turned to the dark pelted lioness, and beckoned his tail to her. Shadow was Moon's sister. 
When she made her way to stand in front of the huge rock Moon went on, "Will you train this cat, teach him our ways of hunting?"
Two mentors? 
At first Leon thought it was weird, but he was training as both guardian and hunter. That must mean he needed two trainers.
To Leon's relief Shadow looked pleased to mentor him. 
"I will be hornered to," she replied.
"Leon do you approve us as your trainers?" the leader asked as part of the ceremony.
"I accept," he replied without hesitation.
"Great," Moon whispered in Leon's ear as he bent in to touch his nose to the cat's cheek. 
The rest of the pride watching from below the rock keeled down with there heads bowed to congradulate him.
As Moon pulled away Leon's way he was surprised to see ever single lion praising him. Even Hawkclaw, who rejected him had his head bowed. Maybe this can't be to bad.
-Chapter 9

Mary And Jacob's Chat

 Calmly cleaning herself up, Liberty overheard her Mary and Jacob talking about something. She heard the word ‘cat’ come up.
Are they talking about me?
Jumping down from the kitchen window, she curiously stalked into the dinning room to see Mary and Jacob seated at the smooth, rich wooded table. 
Liberty sprang up into Mary's lap with listening ears. Mary greeted her and began petting her head. Liberty started purring loudly. Her humans were the best. 
"I'm telling you we searched for like 2 hours," said Mary to Jacob.
"Well, if he ran off, you can always find another kitten to bring home," Jacob suggested.
Another kitten? Thought Liberty. They want another kitten? I should be the only cat around here!
"I just feel bad. It was my fault I left the car door open, and now he's probably some were hungry and alone..." said Mary.
Oh, poor cat! Liberty thought with sarcasim.
"Don't worry." Her husband interrupted," We can go back to the shelter and see if they have any more of those forest cats. Tomorrow though," He added.
Great! Thought Liberty. They must think I’m a freak if they are wanting to replace me with another cat! 
Liberty's purring faded away at the thought. Mary paid no mind and continued to stroke Liberty.
Finally, Mary nodded and replied, "Okay," in a small voice. 
For a few minutes Mary, Jacob, and Liberty sat in quietness. After a  moment Jacob pushed his chair back and stood up. 
"How about we cook dinner now?,"  He asked as if to break the silence.
Is it just me? Liberty thought, or is everything more awkward with me around?
-Chapter 3

Leon Meets The Lion Pride

First Sight:
The grass on Leon's right began to shuffle. The hare was only steps away. Leon prepared to make the kill. 
I can do this! he told himself. 
At that very moment something massive rushed past Leon and struck the hare. The hare let out a squeak, cutting off as it feel limp.
Leon held his breath as he made out what had taken his kill. It was big. it was...
Leon gasped. Surely he must be dreaming again, because before him, with the hare hanging limp from it's jaws, appeared to be a lioness - a real life lioness! 
Leon trembled. The ginger cat always longed to be in the company of a lion, but here he was standing before one and Leon didn't know how to react. They are dangerous, he reminded himself. 
Leon felt small and defenseless and he knew the lion could end his life with a simple swipe of a paw, so Leon did not move an inch. 
The lioness gripped the hare with it's sharp teeth and began smoothly walking to a near by tree. 
He watched the dark-pelted lioness. She was only a couple of paw steps away from Leon, but took no notice of him. She dropped her kill under the shaded tree and began to rip into it's flesh. 
Leon saw how easy it was for the lioness to tear appart the hare and was glad that the lioness didn't spot him.
-Chapter 2

First Encounter:
Drowned in fear, Leon let out a uncontrollable cry of distress. 
The big cats immediately stopped tearing at the remains of the hare. Their ears pricked, and their eyes wondered around. The lions had heard him! They began to move into a stalking stance. 
Leon gasped. He wanted nothing more than to run away, but he was frozen in fear and couldn't make his legs move. 
As the lions closed in Leon was finally able to get his feet moving.  He could hear the lion's paw steps following him.
They were too fast. One of the lioness ran past him and turned around to block Leon's path. He dashes toward another direction, running for his life, but as he turned the other two lions blocked his way. The lions had Leon surrounded as he shrunk back. There was nothing he could do. He was trapped by lions.
-Chapter 2

Entering The Camp:
Leon could see several lions in the clearing as they made their way into the camp. Some were bathing in the sun, others were eating prey or groming each other. 
Leon felt a shiver run though his back. He always dreamed of living with lions, but he knew that they were dangerous, and if he walked into the opening he could get attacked.
"Okay, here is our camp," The male lion welcomed him as he came to a stop. "We are The Lion Pride," He announced, "And I am Moon leader of the pride." He dipped his head in greeting to Leon. "And this is Shadow.-" he waved his tail to the darker pelted lioness. "And this-" He waved his tail to the other lioness "-Is Lilly, my lovely mate." Shadow and Lilly both dipped there head to the cat, also.
Leon didn't understand why the lions were being so kind to him. 
"And... so, do you want me to stay... here?" 
Leon didn't realize how crazy he sounded until he said it. He isn't a lion like them, so why would they want a small cat like him in their pride?
"Well," Moon began, "You kind of have to, and I'm not just saying that because your helpless and lost."
Leon felt less nervous now that the lions seemed to not go against him. But why?
"How about you go get something to eat first and go get a drink of water." 
Moon really seemed to be welcoming him in the pride. 
-Chapter 5

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