Monday, December 6, 2010

Chapter 6

Chapter 6


Bella purred lightly as the human stroked her back. The cat rolled over onto her back.            
                     Bella wondered why Liberty was being so rude to her. All Bella did was say "hi" to her. Of course Bella had come into her home without much warning, but Liberty could at least try and be nice to her.
                     The white cat almost followed the human as he walked out of the room and across the hall way. She sighed as she was left alone in the room on the soft bed.
                     Bella had a better chance of  being friends with the elderly dog than Liberty, even though she didn't speak dog, Bella only could understand other cats.    Liberty, it seemed, was different-even for a house cat.  She still wondered how Liberty could understand what the humans said. Maybe she just made that up so she could give her a new name?
                     Then Bella began to wonder if the mysterious cat could understand the dog, too. Now that would be weird.
                     Bella rested for a few moments on the bed.  She was wishing she could be back in the wild again with her family. 
                     Maybe I could ran away and find them, she suggested to herself.
                     Then again, she could be much to far away to find them. Like her, they could be in a safe home as a pet. There was no way all of her family members could possibly live locked up in a home like this and be happy with it; mainly her brother, Leon.
                     Bella would do anything to help her brother from being trapped, because it was him, most of all, who would hate it. But, she didn't see Leon in any of the cages at the building the humans had held her as prisoner. He could still be some were in the wild, but alone.
                     The cat tried to ignore the problems and laid her head down to rest for a little. Bella hoped for a good dream.

Bella blinked open her eyes to see it was early morning. She jumped down from the bed, yawed and stretched her back. She quietly and careful made her way down the steps.
                     She wasn't used to the human den, yet. It was different from the dens in the forest.
                     When she got to the bottom floor Bella pricked her ears as she heard Liberty talking to someone, Another cat?
                     Bella stalked to the front door to hear Liberty on the other side.
                      "And that’s not all," Bella heard her say.
                     She sat near the side of the door to listen in.
                     "You see it wasn't just a dream..." Liberty trailed off.
                     Bella began to wonder who the cat was talking too. The only cat in the house was her and Liberty.
                     There was the dog...She can't be talking to the dog!
                     But Bella must have been wrong; she could hear the dog murmuring a reply.   
                     "Yes,” Liberty replied to the dog as he finished. "And everything started to come back to me."
                     Bella somewhat felt relieved that Liberty wasn't talking about her.
                     "So this thought came to my mind like a memory," She went on, "My death, it must have been years ago."
                     Bella narrowed her eyes and become more interested in what Liberty was saying. Her death? What in the world could she be talking about?
                     "I would predict about 40 years ago. I know this must sound crazy Bob, but when I died... that is when I came back to life and became this way."
                     For a moment Bella was confused. Why was Liberty talking about her dying and coming back from death, and then... "Became this way?"
                     Why was she talking to Bob...a dog? Bella really wanted to confront Liberty and ask her what she was talking about. Maybe this cat is just insane.
                     Bella did notice her blazing red eyes, too. Did that have something to do with it?
                     "Thank you Bob, I'm glad you understand."
                     Understand what? That she is insane?
                     Before she could be spotted, Bella made her way on to the far end of the red couch in the front room. She was ready for more time to nap.
                     Shaking off the creepy thought that came to her mind about Liberty, Bella tried to sleep.
                     As soon as sleep started to overwhelm her she heard a voice call her name, “Isabella!"
                     But it wasn't Liberty; it was a tom cat's voice.
                     "Isabella? That's your name, right?"
                     Bella became startled. Who could it be?    
                     "Hello?" she said looking around.
                     There was no cat in sight.
                     "Who's there?" she called out when there was no reply.
                     Bella began to think that she was only hearing things.
                     She heard the tom cat speak again, "Oh it's only me," he said, "Can you see me?"
                     Bella looked around and then spotted the cat as he made his way closer to the sofa she stood on.
                     "Y-Yes, Who are you and what are you doing here?"
                     She suddenly felt scared because a stranger was in the home, obviously unwelcome. What would Liberty do?
                      Bella crawled back to make room as he jumped onto the sofa close to her. Her heart lurched and she flinched back as she saw multiple claw scar marks covering his brown tabby pelt. He wore a black fabric around his head covering his eyes.
                     "I'm Toby," he announced.
                     "I am...well you can call me Bella."
                     She looked at the cat and saw how deep the scars on his pelt were. Most of them looked like opened wounds that were deep enough that it could have killed.
                     "Are you okay?" she asked forgetting that this cat was an unwelcome stranger.
                     "Oh I'm fine," he sounded back in a sarcastic tone.
                     "Also what is with that black fabric tied over your eyes? Wouldn't you want to see?" Bella asked ignoring his sarcastic answer.
                     "You want to see why?"
                     Bella thought for a second. How could she see why?
                     "Um, okay."
                     She wasn't to sure about this.
                     Toby bent his head and pawed at the fabric to pull it off of his head.            Bella gasped.
                     Toby's whole left side of his face was clawed away to reveal a nasty scar and both of his eyes were completely gone.
                     Bella understood it now. The fabric covered his eyes to hide the scars and he couldn't even see if he didn't wear it.
                     "What happened to you? And-and why are you in...My home?" she asked the question as it came to her mind again.
                     "Well, this home was once my home," the tabby began, “I...I don't even know how I’m talking to you," He said, turning his scared face away from Bella, "I died here years ago.."
                     The she-cat felt numb from shock. First Liberty and now this cat, Toby? What is wrong with this world?
                     "It was Liberty," he went on when the white cat didn't respond, "She was the one who killed me!" His voice began to rise in anger. "And no; I am not a vampire too. I am a hopelessly lost soul!"
                     Bella was a bit too young to understand what he meant. She had the though that this cat that "died" was him as a spirit. Was she talking to a ghost?
                      "Vampire?" the question came inexplicably out of her.
                     "Yes. Liberty your home-mate is a vampire!"
                     Bella began to have the thought that maybe it was her going crazy.                     
                     "What is a vampire?"
                     Toby thrusted his scared face back to Bella, and said in a harsh tone, "They're murderers Bella! Liberty killed me because I was on her territory!"
                     Bella froze; "This is my mansion, my territory...honey!"
                     She swallowed hard as the words echoed in Bella's mind. Her belly clutched with fear.
                     "Oh but don't worry young cat. Just do what she wants you to and you should be just fine."

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Chapter 5

                                  Chapter 5


Leon could see several lions in the clearing as they made their way into the camp. Some were bathing in the sun, others were eating prey or grooming each other.
        Leon felt a shiver run though his back. He always dreamed of living with lions, but he knew that they were dangerous, and if he walked into the opening he could get attacked.
        "Okay, here is our camp," The male lion welcomed him as he came to a stop. "We are The Lion Pride," He announced, "And I am Moon leader of the pride." He dipped his head in greeting to Leon. "And this is Shadow.-" he waved his tail to the darker pelted lioness. "And this-" He waved his tail to the other lioness "-Is Lilly, my lovely mate."     Shadow and Lilly both dipped there head to the cat, also.
        Leon didn't understand why the lions were being so kind to him.
        "And... so, do you want me to stay... here?"
        Leon didn't realize how crazy he sounded until he said it. He isn't a lion like them, so why would they want a small cat like him in their pride?
        "Well," Moon began, "You kind of have to, and I'm not just saying that because your helpless and lost."
        Leon felt less nervous now that the lions seemed to not go against him. But why?
        "How about you go get something to eat first and go get a drink of water."
        Moon really seemed to be welcoming him in the pride.
        Without hesitating Leon followed Shadow and Lilly to the eating area. His paws tingled and he had butterflies in his belly as he approached the other pride members. He wondered what they would think of him.
        Lilly picked a small hare from the pile and gently laid it in front of the ginger cat. Leon bent down ready to fill his belly, but another lion snatched it away instantly.
        "Why is this little pest stealing our food?" The lion growled at Leon with a mean expression.
        Leon's fur began to bristle.
        The lioness opened her mouth to say something back but Moon broke in first.        
        "This fellow, my friend is not a pest." Moon stepped in front of Leon to keep him protected as he explained.
        More lion pride members crowded around the scene.
        "We found him in the hunting grounds moments ago" The pride leader began, but waited as the lions began to protest and question their leader.
        None of them were positive.
        "Why bring a rat in our pride?"
        "Have you lost your brain?"
        "Let's eat him!"
        Leon shrunk back behind Moon; scared that one of the lions would pouch at him at any moment. That wouldn't be good.
        "Quiet!" Moon roared. "Remember what our ancestors had told us?" He motioned toward the sky.
        They all gazed up at the first appearing stars as night started to come. The massive cats grew silent as Moon seemed to make his point.
        Leon didn't understand what he meant, something about the sky, the stars… maybe the moon? What did Moon mean by "what our ancestors had told us?" Leon thought that maybe their ancestors said something about him and that may be why the lions were so kind to him.
        "This is a special cat."
        Moon stepped aside to revile the ginger cat to the watching lions.
        Leon tried to lie his fur down flat so he wouldn't look scared.
        The lion that snatched his prey began to spill insults.
        "And what is his name, “Fluffy?” He could be a house cat you know."
        He and a few other lions laughed in amusement. Leon felt embarrassed. He started to think that his fantasy of living with lions wouldn't be as fun as he would of thought. They all hated him.
        Moon gave the lion a hard stare, in effect, telling him to stay silent. At least I have the leader on my side, right?
        "My name is Leon." The cat said less scared, but more angry.
        Leon couldn't let these lions think he was a little helpless house cat. He was a forest cat!
        "Well Leon, I am Hawkclaw-" He began to prowl toward Leon, "-And I am the meanest fighter you could ever encounter...," then he added more harshly, "...and you don't belong here!"
        Hawkclaw swiped Leon with his right forepaw with his claws out. He hit Leon hard enough in the head to make him tumble over.
        "Ouch!" Leon yowled in pain as he felt his head began to throb and blood ran down his forehead, half dazed. He heard only Hawkclaw laughing at him.
        "Hawkclaw, stop this nonsense! Come and have a word with me in my den." Moon's voice shook as he spoke.
        Without another word Moon and Hawkclaw both padded towards a den made by two low tree branches that provided cover.
        Shadow, Lilly, and two other lions padded up to him.
        "Are you okay?" One of the male lions asked.
        "Don't mind him, he's always so rude." other said.
        Maybe some of these lions did care.
        The cat got up to his paws and shook of the throbbing pain.
        "Oh, it's nothing. I'm fine." Leon tried to sound normal as possible.
        "Hey you can come with me in the nursery to rest," Lilly offered.
        "Okay," He replied, "thank you."
        As Leon followed the lioness to the nursery he felt like he was floating, like he was in a dream. Could it be real that these lions are welcoming him into there pride? For a moment the young cat felt like he was looking though the eyes of a lion's instead of a little cat's point of view.
        One day you will see in the eyes of a lions...
        Maybe Leon's dream had come true.
        Padding into the nursery Leon flinched back as two lion cubs rolled around play-fighting in front of him. He settled in the moss nest with his tail over his paws, watching the lion cubs as they played.
        Leon cleaned his wound he had on his head. The young cubs seemed to be in their own world.
        "Take that you filthy cheetah!" One growled playfully biting his brother on the head.
        "I am here to take over your pride!" The other cub pounced at his brother rustling the moss nesting.
        Leon shivered. These cubs must be reenacting encounters the lions had with other animals like cheetahs. He was in the lion's pride, not the cheetahs and it was too easy for him to encounter the lions but what if he encounters the cheetahs, too? There was no doubt that those big cats could kill him like prey, also. They run much faster than any other cat, or any other animal for that matter. It could be too dangerous for him to live here.
        The young cat still couldn't believe that these lions could ever possibly think that a useless little cat like him could be part of such a special prophecy. It was the leader of the pride that seemed to have the most courage in him. So, was that a good thing?
        Hawkclaw, the massive lion with numerous scars on his face and pelt, saw Leon for what he saw on the outside; which was a horrified, young, lost, ginger tom cat.    Moon seemed to see Leon brave and full of courage, like a lion.
        Be the heart of the lion.
        Maybe that is why he though he could be so special. This prophecy that Moon believes in seems like a fantasy.
        Leon remembered Moon telling the pride, “remember what our ancestors had told us", and then they had gazed up at the moon. It probably meant that their ancestors lived around the moon after they have passed away.
        Either way these lions must have been mistaking him for some other cat. There was nothing special about him, at least, not from what he knew.
        The lion cubs began to play rougher as a third cub came to play. The cubs kicked up strips of the nesting as they wrestled.
        "That’s enough!" Lilly called at the cubs after lying down meat for Leon.
        She must be the cub's mother.
        It was the same hare that Hawkclaw had snatched away, still good and fresh. Leon just wishes he could have been the one to catch it.
        Without protest the cubs cuddled up to their mother as she lay down in the corner of the den for them to suckle. Leon breathed in deep, I still think this is all a dream, and then, sighed a breath out.
        He took a bite out of the fresh kill and began to full his hungry belly. Leon felt somewhat relived that he had the lions to provide food for him. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to stop hunting.
        Leon loved to hunt, but how could he hunt here? There were animals the size of horses lurking around in the grasslands. It would be dangerous for him to hunt. Leon just sighed and put the problem to the back of his head.
        After finishing his prey a light furred lioness made her way in the den with a large leaf carved up like a bowl balanced on her broad head.
        "I got water."
        She carefully laid the water-filled leaf awkwardly on the ground in front of him. Not a drop of the water spilled.
        "Thank you." Leon dipped his head to her, remembering how thirsty he was.
        He quickly lapped at the water in the leaf. Leon closed his eyes in pleasure as he tasted the cold fresh water.
        "You’re welcome Leon. My name is Star," she introduced herself.
        Anxiety filled his belly like butterflies. He was just a young lost cat. Why would they think he's so special and give him so much respect? They were trying so hard to make him feel like he was home to keep him here; he guessed. Would Leon ever be able to settle here and make this his home?
        When Leon didn't respond Star went on," I'm expecting cubs soon."
        She made her way to the center of the den to settle down. He glared at her belly noticing that she was told the truth. Her belly was swollen huge. She looked as if she could be expecting any day now. This pride seemed to be going well.
        Once again Leon didn't respond and the moment became awkward.
        Star laid her chin on her paws and snoozed into a quick sleep.
        Leon turned back to the leaf to drink the rest of the water. After he was finished he pushed it off to the side.
        The ginger cat's green eyes wondered in the sky. Everything was quiet, much more quite than in the crowded forest. He looked at Lilly, her three cubs, Star, and then scanned all the other dens. They were all settling down for sleep, too.
        This day had been a busy day, and it had all passed so fast. Leon wasn't even sure he could get any sleep at all now. His belly was full; he had fresh water, and all the respect he could ever wish for.
        Leon started to regret ever wanting a wish like this. Maybe it was too soon for him.
        Maybe next time I should be more careful for what I wish for.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chapter 4

Chapter 4


Liberty sighed. She felt the dangling fur brush against her side and turned to recognize her little stumpy-legged friend, Bob. He was padding outside from the house through the 'doggy-door'.
        Liberty went outside more than Bob, but it was still known as the 'doggy-door'. The 'kitty-door' just didn't fit, she guessed.
        "Hello," he greeted her, dipping his head respectfully.
        Liberty's ears kicked back as she gave a nod of her head.
        She was obviously not in the mood to talk, but Bob didn't get the message.
        "Are you okay?" he asked concerned, "You look like you just got back from wrestling with a pack of dogs."
        Liberty let out another sigh. His guess was closer than she expected. Sometimes it was like this old dog could read her mind, even though it was only a dream.  It was weird that she would be this anxious after waking up.
        I knew it was more than a nightmare.
        She imagined the scenes she saw in the dream. She was so horrified. The way her body felt went death took her over. This animal wasn't just killing her as prey or protecting its territory. Liberty was murdered.
        I cheated death but now I am cursed...
        Liberty had to tell Bob about her death.
        But, not now, she decided. It would be too soon for her. It was still fresh in her mind; remembering her horrifying death. Liberty didn't want to talk about it yet.
         Sure, Bob knew she was quite different, but how would he react if she told him about her dream? How could she tell him that she was once normal, but then attacked, killed, and then came back to life as if she was a zombie? But, she wasn't a zombie. She was a vampire. Maybe that was worse.
        This was something that Bob didn't know about her and apparently neither did her; not until the dream brought it all back.
        Liberty's friend briefly touched his nose to hers and whispered, “Don’t worry. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to,” then added looking back at her, "You'll be okay," as he made his way down the steps into the front yard.
        He always loved bathing in the hot sunlight while he lay on his back in the soft summer grass.
        Watching the black and white Shih Tzu go, another question crossed Liberty's mind.
        How long has she been like this? How long did she have this craving for blood and these blazing red eyes? How long ago did she die?
        Her mind was a total blank when it came to the answers to these questions- except for one thing; that she had been like this for far longer than she could remember.
        Years, years I have been like this.
        She had not aged a bit, not since her death. Liberty still had the appearance of a young cat about a year old.
        In reality, from what she could guess, she could be 40, 50, 60 years old or more.  Who knew? Not her.
        Liberty knew she could never die, at least not again.
        But how could this happen and why to her?
        All of these years, Liberty thought, how could this have not cross my mind before?
        The cat gave herself a few swift licks on her forepaws, and then began to pad toward the 'doggy-door'.
        She hesitantly stopped as she saw Mary's shiny red car pull in the garage on the left. Liberty didn’t know Mary had even left. She had noticed Jacob's car was gone, but he went to work every morning, so that was not unusual. Mary usually stayed home in the mornings.
        Instead of going back in the mansion, Liberty waited for her owner outside to greet her.
        Bob, however barley noticed the giant machine as it arrived. The lazy dog was snoozing his summer away.
        Liberty's heart lurched as she remembered about when Mary and Jacob were talking about getting another cat. Liberty did not want another cat to get in her business.
        Liberty twitched her tail in frustration. Mary must have left to get a new cat! Sure this home was big enough for more to fit, but that didn't mean more pets.
        A moment later the human made her way out of the garage holding a small pet carrier by the handle. A foul scent fell over Liberty and her eyes grew wide. She could clearly smell a forest cat. Forest cats were filthy!
        The black cat let out a faint annoyed hiss as her Mary passed her and opened the door to the house. Liberty followed her in the mansion.
        "I have a friend for you to meet," Mary said as she sat down on the couch that was in the front room.
        She sat the pet carrier next to her. The last thing Liberty wanted to do was welcome a stranger in her life.
        But ever the curious cat, Liberty stalked up in front of human, sniffing the scent of the newcomer once again.
        Mary pushed her dark hair behind her ear and then opened the cage. She pulled out a pure white, young female with pale blue eyes and wears a black collar.
        The new cat looked confused.
        "Hey." She meowed shyly but calmly as Mary laid the white cat in her lap. "Do you know where I am?"
        Mary began to stroke the young cat to welcome her.
        Liberty jumped up on to the couch beside Mary and the stranger.
        She felt a small flame of anger rage in her, but, for some reason, not because of Mary who had brought the cat. There was just something about the way this cat made her feel that she didn't like.
        "Yes, you are in my mansion, my territory!" Liberty snorted and then added a sarcastic, “Honey."
        For a moment the white cat looked taken back.
        "Don't be so rude!" Mary snapped at Liberty, as the stranger cat said at the same moment, "Oh... I'm-" She turned her head breaking her eye contact with Liberty,"-Sorry," she said after Mary finished.
        After that the cat seemed sad and lost for words. For just a split second, Liberty felt sorry for the new cat; but the feeling faded away quickly.
        "Oh, its okay, Isabella," Mary soothed the cat stroking her softly.
        Isabella must be her name, Liberty noted.
        Mary was completely ignoring Liberty. She was giving the new cat all the attention. Isabella was beginning to like the attention and it melted her confusion away.       This cat smelled like forest cat, but didn't react much like one.
        The white cat began to purr and shut her eyes. Liberty sat there on the sofa as if she were a lump on a log. Mary kept on stroking Isabella, murmuring words to her and scratching under her chin.
        "So Isabella, how did you end up here?" Liberty kept her tone more friendlily, but what she really wanted to do was spit at her.
        "My name is Willow..." the cat told her awkwardly.
        Liberty giggled in amusement. Willow must have been her name when she was in the forest.
        "Not anymore. The humans have named you 'Isabella.'"
        "Oh," Isabella retorted in a small voice. "But how would you know what they want to call me?"
        Liberty didn't reply instantly. She didn't want to tell this cat about her ability.
        "Um, because I just know."
        That was all she could think of to answer with. Luckily, she questioned her no more.
        Liberty jumped down from the sofa, and gave one last glance at Isabella.
        "Oh, and you can call me Bella for short if you want." The white cat called as Liberty was looking back.
        The black cat stood still for a moment.
         "Okay," she replied still gazing at Bella; gaining a little respect for the cat.
        This is still my territory! She thought selfishly.
        Liberty called back before disappearing up the stairs, "And you can call me Liberty," Then slowly she made her way up the steps.
        This mansion she lived in was a two story building. She preferred the bottom floor, mostly because the top floor gave her strange feelings like something was watching her, something that she couldn't see. Other places made her feel like that too, but most of all it was the up stairs.
        Liberty took her first step onto the second floor. The hardwood floor was cold. She took a deep breath and shivered.
        Liberty was only going to the upstairs because she didn't want that new Bella cat to storm her with questions, and get up in her business.
        She could not believe how Mary would so easily ignore her. Liberty was supposed to be the family cat at least that is what she thought. Now that this new cat had arrived, Liberty felt left out.
        I know it's only been a couple of minutes, Liberty thought, But, I can see what’s coming...Mary is abandoning me!
        Liberty sighed and made her way into Mary and Jacob's bedroom. The room was cold- freezing cold, but she didn't care. She liked it cold.
        Liberty jumped on top of the king-sized bed that was in Mary and Jacob's room. She settled herself on the left corner of the soft bed.
        Liberty never usually slept on the bed. She wasn't doing it to get there attention. Mary and Jacob didn't go into the room much anyway, unless they want to go to sleep or take a nap. If they wanted to pick out clothes or if Mary wanted to put on make-up, they would go to a different room for that.
        Liberty decided that she would stay upstairs until tomorrow, at least away from the new cat until tomorrow.

        After a couple moments of rest, Liberty heard foot steps walking up the stairs. With a glance out the window Liberty noticed that it was still day time.
        It must be Jacob coming back from work, she thought. 
        He always took a nap first thing when he came back from work.
        Jacob! He won't abandon me, will he?
        Liberty began to let out a low growl from the back of her throat as she noticed Jacob carrying Bella into his bedroom with him. Murmuring words to her, Jacob stroked Bella a few times before laying her on the bed beside the back cat.
        "Hi there Liberty," Bella purred friendly.
        Liberty glared boldly at the cat. She replied with a hiss, her ears lying flat and leaped down from the giant bed, ignoring Bella.
        Frustrated, Liberty made her way now downstairs.
        As her paw touched on the last step she saw Bob pushing his was though the doggy-door. She greeted him with a wave of her tail, and then nodded towards the kitchen for him to follow. She wanted to ask her old friend for advice.
        Bob followed her through the kitchen, then through the dinning room turning right into another room.
        It was a big room full of shelves stocked with books. The room was long like a hallway. This was called the 'Library Room'; one of Liberty's favorite places to hang out. This area was always quiet and made her feel calm.
        Liberty sat down on the red and brown patterned rug in the front center of the library room.
        Bob spoke first, "Is this about the new cat?" he asked eagerly, getting the question right.
        Liberty wondered how he already knew about the new cat, but then again, she had been resting for at least an hour. He must have met her when he came in from his 'sun-time'.
        "Uh, yeah," she admitted.
        She didn't really wanting to talk about it but she forced herself too, "Err, I just don't want another cat here..." She trailed of into thought.
        "Why not, don't you want to make some friends?"
        Bob cranked his head to one side in question.
        Liberty just grunted and stared at the floor, rubbing her forepaw on the rug nervously.
        A memory from years ago came fresh to her mind.
        She remembered the time another cat had come in the mansion unwelcome by her.
        Liberty played the scene vividly in her head:

"Don't make me say it again!" Liberty had growled to a tabby tom cat.
        Fearless, the cat had yelled back, "You can't tell me to leave if I don't want to!"  
        The cat's claws dug into the carpet floor in frustration.
        "Go now or I will make you!" Liberty spat at him as she held her paw up in a threat.
        Liberty had heard Bob barking madly as she pounced at the brown tabby.
        The dog began to nip at Liberty's legs and feet in effort to stop her as she clawed madly at the cats face.
        Blood spilled everywhere from his leaking wounds. The tabby's attacks left mostly holes in vampire cat's body, Liberty's blood was unnaturally bright red and thin like red water.
        Liberty growled and hissed fiercely as she attacked the cat in a series of clawing. She avoided biting him, because it could maybe; somehow transform him to into a vicious vampire like Liberty and never die.
        The three animal's hair where standing on end.
        Bob was still barking madly, pouncing back and fourth, calling for help.
        The tom yowled in pain as Liberty ranked his eyes, shedding more blood.
        She gave him no mercy.
        The salty tang taste of blood pleased her as his blood spilled at her mouth.
        The tom cat had managed to run off during the battle, but the next day she found his body dead.
        Back then Bob was around 6 years old, so Liberty guessed that these events must have been at least 4 years ago.

        Bob flinched as he seemed to remember the same event, too.
        "Oh, Liberty," the dog began to plead,"we must not go though this again."
        His old voice sounded sad from the memory. It was clear that Bob could remember the murder, too.
        Liberty felt lucky she still had him as her friend after that.
        Liberty let out a frustrated hiss, and ran passed Bob, ignoring him. It was the only way she could stop him from asking questions. She didn't want to explain anything to Bob right now, nor tell him about her dream that reminded her of her death.
        Liberty didn't like to be rude to the elderly dog, but he was accusing her of something that she wouldn't never do again; or at least thought she wouldn't do again.
        I wouldn't murder a cat over jealously, again...would I? She questioned herself.
        Liberty stopped in her paw steps then glanced back as she smelled Bob's scent drift over her. She saw the short dog slacking behind her, his eyes full of dismay. It was clear to Liberty that he didn't trust her.
        I can't trust myself either, she admitted to herself.
        Bob's ears perked up as if he could hear her thoughts. His brilliant green eyes stared back at her showing that he was worried. Liberty twitched her ear then padded into the kitchen, then out the window that was above the kitchen sink, leaving Bob alone.
        The cat almost tumbled over as she landed on the ground with a grunt. The ground sloped downward and it made her paws tingle as she landed uneasily.
        Liberty decided that she would stay outside for a bit to think things over.
        She made her way to the front porch, away from the heat, where Liberty began to happily wash herself pretending that Bella never even existed.

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