Saturday, March 19, 2011

"Sleepwalkers: Immortal Species" Trailer

~A book trailer I finally got to make of my first book of my "Sleepwalkers" series.
I don't know if this will be the official trailer or not. I might try to make another, and if it comes out better it can be the official trailer (although I really like this one!)

*All the pics in this video belong to me I believe.*

Well Hope you enjoy!

**Okay so I tried to upload this on Youtube first but the audio was disabled XP
So hopefully this works..**

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ridge Tells His Story

First, he needed to go to the vet becuase of the collar. Second, he needed food and water; he looked liked he hadn't eaten much.  
"Well it's not up to me if you stay or go. It is my owners choice." 
Jacob and Mary woun't like it if a stray dog was in thier mansion with out permission. 
"Oh..." he sounded disapointed,"I don't think they would want me. Ridge can find new home with no other dogs."
"They might want you." 
Liberty felt sorry for this poor dog. 
"But... the dogs, they fight."
"But Bob, our dog is nice and he would never fight." 
Thats right, Ridge used to be a fighting dog. 
The way this dog looked it was kind of obious he was kept by humans to train him to battle other dogs. Ever intce of his pelt was a scar and his left eye was completly missing. He was lucky he wasn't still with that human.  
"Cat," he said sighing, "you know how I lost my eye?"
"Was it lost in a fight?"
"Not exacly. My sister, my litter mate, you see was blind," his eyes filled with sorrow from a memory," So she was used as a bate dog. When I had to fight her i refused. My owner yelled and kicked me. He kicked my face so hard I lost my eye and then I got mad...and I turned on my blind sister."
Ridge paused as if thinking if he should finish his horafiing story.
"When I relized that I was hurting her I almost stoped. But my owner;my master, was so proud of me and he was cheering me on. I'm sorry," the dog pleated his voice craking,"But I don't think anyone would want me now. I killed my own sister."
"Ridge, I'm so sorry," she sadly purred,"But don't blame yourself for what your owner did, It's not your fault."
The Pit Bull's head rised as he looked at Liberty.
"Yes, but do you think they know that?"
-Chapter 22

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